Immigration: On The Perception of The Arbitrariness of Borders

Many, particularly on the left, have now come to view the very concept of borders as inhumane, xenophobic or lacking compassion.

I thought it might be worthwhile to take a moment to examine the motivation behind such thought patters, as opposed to just hastily discounting them.

I think most of what motivates such end result radical views such as “no borders, no walls” and the like, probably initiates from a good place. I think at the end it is ultimately a failure in 2nd order thinking that limits what might be a logical intuition, from being followed through to its logical conclusion.

I imagine, what motivates someone to be vehemently against a concept such as “borders”, on a fundamental level, is some variation of the following:

‘How is it fair, that person a, born 30 minutes on this side of the Texas border, can have completely different opportunities than person b, born on this other side.”

The idea does seem indeed completely arbitrary; and it is.

The point I feel most liberals fail to recognize, which is prudent to think kind of debate, is that life in general is essentially unfair; and in fact riddled with such Arbitrariness and sheer luck.

Now, that is just a simple reality, it might be an unpleasant reality, however, it is just a truth. And I feel in general, what’s driving a lot of this seemingly irrational behavior on the left, is a sort of “recoil” effect when confronted with these types of unpleasant truths.

However, some things simply just are. There is a quote from my college days, that is something to the effect of: “The Universe at bottom has no design, just absolute indifference.”

These types of statistical realities must, at some point, get worked into the liberal philosophy that is now seeking to erase borders or have a globalist type world.

Inequality across the world, and unequal opportunity will simply continue to exist, at least for the foreseeable future. It doesn’t matter if we transpose the entire country of Honduras or El Salvador over to the United States; that is simply not the solution.

Compassion is definitely a good thing; deluded compassion is not only unproductive, it is also counter productive; and potentially dangerous.

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